Apply location/rotation/scale

I have a model and I want to Apply location/rotation/scale but I don’t want the objects to move, I want them set in their current location.

Not sure if I’m explaining myself here. When I apply location, some objects move to a different position and I don’t want that

Try Ctrl+A
It does it for me :slight_smile:

Yes, but if I do that, all the object move around. at thr moment they are in the right place but if I append the model in another blend, the objects move around into different places, worse still, if I run the animation on the model, they go into even different places

you should always center object origins and apply rotation and scale before animating or exporting.

Yes, I know that but it’s too late now, can I fix it any other way?

OK, Let me put it another way, when I apply location to an object, the object center goes to the center of the grid but the object/geometry stays where is is

Yes, that’s exactly what "Apply location’ is supposed to do. If it is not what you were asking for when you said in your first post

I don’t want the objects to move, I want them set in their current location.
, then what is?

Best wishes,