Apply NLA Action to Timeline - Misaligned Keyframes

Hey all,

I’ve been working on a character animation using Blender’s NLA editor, but I’ve been running in to an issue that I haven’t found a solution for. When creating an action that I want my character to perform, the keyframes are set as you’d expect and I can edit them as normal. However, when I plug that action in to the NLA editor and shift the action along the timeline (for blending, time remapping, the like), the keyframes are maintaining their initial position and not moving with the timeline.

I figured that pinning the keyframes to the action would allow for easy editing, but entering pose mode and changing keyframes doesn’t work as expected like it would have been if I didn’t mess with the initial location. I’m a bit frustrated with this, since this seems to undermine the benefits of using the NLA editor, and I can’t seem to find a proper solution to applying these keyframes to their given action. Does any one know of a potential solution, or perhaps a better workflow to avoid these issues to begin with?


Hi, for blending the animations keyframes in the NLA you need to turn the keyframes into actions strips.
See the screenshots below:


Yep, I’m aware I need to have action strips to blend with, but my problem comes in when I try to edit the keyframes of an already created action, and that action has been moved/scaled from when it was created initially. In my case, I want to tie or apply the motion+scaling factor to the action’s keyframes, even when unpinned, to let me manipulate and change the keyframes easier.
