Apply scale and rotation

Hi. I want to apply scale and rotation to selected object, but after applying, object changing his scale and rotation.

Yes that happened to me aswell.It changes it s position when you hit render either.I find the solution by deleting the object and re-modelling it unfortunately.

I made up an object something like yours and I can not get it to NOT apply scale and rotation the way it should…since you display is so bare we can not see what settings you have or guess what may be wrong…at least provide a blend file before you apply scale so we can try and help…also it would help if you showed a default UI, then we would have more information.

I reset blender to factory defaults and open this blend file:

apply_scale_rotation.blend (189.0 KB)

2 object on left side have the issue and 2 objects on right is ok.


I think it has something to do with the delta scale

select “Clear Delta” in the options’ dialog box.
