Can I apply a texture (or material) just to one face within a complex mesh? Do I have to use UV-mapping for this or is there another way?
thanks, ulli
Can I apply a texture (or material) just to one face within a complex mesh? Do I have to use UV-mapping for this or is there another way?
thanks, ulli
This is very basic stuff, but since the tutorial list in the sticky post above is pooched, I’ll tell ya.
Go into edit mode and to the Editing buttons(F9). There’s a column of buttons that says Materials and a box that says 1:Mat1. Below that hit the New button, select the faces you want different and hit Assign.
Now at the Materials buttons(f5) you’ll see 2 Mat 2 box. Now assign a new material for 2 mat 2 and go crazy. Switch back to 2 mat 1 for your previous material.
thanx, Enzoblue! This was it!
So it was this 1:Mat1 button - long hidden memories dawn to me (must have been more than a year since I used blender last time - at least I still remember the view-shortcuts
you can also use UV mapping. Try the tut in my sig.