apply texture

I want to know how i apply a testure to att mesh?
I´ve use 2,32. I can´t find how i tell blender to use the texture I chose on a specifik part.

did you have a look at the sticky posts? at the documentation on

there are different ways of assigning textures.

please, have a look at the online documentationfirst, if you still have problems ask specific questions here

The problem is that I dosen´t got the same interface as the dkomumention so it is very hard to follow the dokumention.

to apply a texture, you first have to have one…

then select the object you wish to apply it to. then go to the material buttons (F5), click on ‘add new’. then click on the black and tan button, or (F6), then click add new there. then click “image”, then “load image” then find the image in your files, click on it, then the texture should come up. if you want to make it smaller, like bricks for instance, click (F5) then go to the ‘map input’ tab, and there should be 6 little tables. expierement with those…

hope it helps


I got a image got in i preview but I can´t get in on the place i my modell that I want.