Apply transform to object on mass import?

I’ve got a Script that mass imports obj files.
I want to change transforms as each file imports.
Is that possible? I’m good at C and C++ but just starting with Scripting for Blender.

Sure, just change in your script matrix_world / location / scale / rotatiler_euler for each imported Object (

I’m thinking maybe do a check of all objects imported and do a If Elseif type thing to do the transforms.
So if object 1 name = a set statement it gets changed
Elseif keeplooking at elseifs?
I could have 200+ objects in the scene and I grab the Transforms from a Game file with 010 Hex Editor and a custom script.

Sorry, don’t understand your question.

Sorry for the bad explanation. So I’ll try again.
I take Object ID, XYZ, and rotation information from a different file.
Put that into a multidimensional array.
Then on a mass import, check the obj which is named by ID and do a compare to do the Move and/or rotate as that object is imported.

From reading. I’d need to drop the extension and only use the name.
So 12345.obj would be 12345 for the compare value.
I think I have it figured out in my mind but haven’t tested that yet.

Further study I found that Numpy is in Blender 2.79 which I use now. (Windows 7)
locations = np.locations((x, 3)) #Where x is a changable number