Applying a texture to a vertex group... Please help! Urgent!

Hi everyone!

Firstly I apologise in advance as I am a relative Blender n00b, I’m studying Digital Art and Technology at university and I’m trying to get to grips with it! I have a project due in tomorrow and I’m completely stuck! I’ll try and explain:

I am trying to build a zoetrope (I can’t add a URL so you may have to google to clarify what I mean!) and I have a Tube with end caps off. I’ve subdivided it a number of times so I could delete some of the faces to create the viewing holes. I have a .jpeg of a strip of images to go in the bottom inside half of the tube. I’ve added the .jpeg as a texture and tried selecting the faces I wanted to take the texture but that didn’t work. I’ve also tried creating a new vertex group by duplicating the bottom half of the tube and scaling it slightly, but as far as I can tell I can only change the colour of the new vertex group, not apply a texture.

Like I said, I really apologise for my relative lack of knowledge, if you could help I’d be more than grateful! Kind of panicking now as I didn’t think this would be that difficult.



texture are applied to material

and if you add a vertex group you can tell it to use a certain texture
hope it helps

happy 2.5

You need to do some unwrapping to be able to map the texture to selected faces.
Send you a little example, done with two objects to simplify things a bit.
Other way would be with a plane -maybe install the import images as planes addon- subdivide and bend with a simply deform modifier…

Here is how it looks like with UV mapping. Each image is applied to each face exactly. You can round out the cylinder with Subsurf added to base cylinder. Image well stays put. To finish the viewer, create different cylinder with slits made around this drum with image on it.