Hello everyone, I was wondering if it was possible to apply rotation to 1 axis only.
Why am I asking? See below:
When exporting from Blender to Unity using .FBX files, in order to get the meshes into Unity with no rotation (0,0,0), you have to rotate all objects -90, apply rotation, then add 90 and export. The problem is, since apply rotation zeros out all axis, if you have a object that was rotated say 45 degrees on the Y, when the meshes arrive in Unity, that program thinks the object’s local Y axis is 0 (when in fact it is really 45), and the objects becomes exceedingly difficult to work with since both the global and local axis are no longer aligned with the object (making basic things like rotating the object very difficult).
So, if rotation could only be applied on 1 axis (say the X), it would allow for at least some of the axis to be correct both globally and locally, and let other axis stay rotated so that Unity knows where the local axis really is (even if Unity’s rotation and Blender’s rotations do not match).