Applying UV to a Baseball Bat.

Hello all.

This is my 1st time posting here for help. I hope someone can give me ideas on how to fix it.

I tried to model a simple baseball bat. That was easy enough for me to do. It`s applying a texture that looks good that isn’t going so well.

I’m mostly looking at the lines in the wood and thinking, this isn’t looking very good.

If anyone has suggestions I would appreciate. I attached the render of what I have so far and a screenshot of the nodes setup to give and idea of what I have done.

The node setup was based off this video if that helps you understand what I have.


The nodes are not the important thing, they could really be anything. The important thing is the UV layout itself.
What uvwrap options did you use, where did you place your seams ? The unwrap looks as though you will have lots of extreme stretching which you don’t want to get a good texture application.

Can’t tell much else since no blend file supplied to review

I did mark a seam from one end to the other of the bat. I will add my blend file to this response so you can look it over.

I had not considered the mark seam when trying to adjust the lines of the wood.


bat.blend (1.58 MB)

I unwrapped it using the simple unwrap command (ctrl+u, unwrap) and ended up with a pretty normal looking UV map.