Apricot questions and bug submitting?

Hi all…

  1. Where do we submit any bugs that we find on the new apricot builds?

  2. Where do we ask questions about how the new graphics features can be used?

Not sure how we contact anyone for the apricot features… I’ve got a few questions and possibly some bugs to submit. If anyone know the answers to these please post here:

eg.1. When using material nodes… can/how do we implement normal maps?

  1. When using material nodes can we use a mask and paint it to blend between materials like in the normal mateials?

  2. How do we get alpha working correctly with nodes? Seems to be a bug… see pic. You should see through the hole in sphere… it was working at one stage… then it stopped?? Maybe this has been fixed?

4.What’s the best way of using alpha maps… should we use PNG with an existing premultiplied alpha or must we have a another image that is used as the alpha map?

5.Is it possible to map ramps to screen space or world space(using nodes)?

6.When images are mapped to screen space they appear slightly pin cushioned… surely they should be undistorted (bug or intentional)?

  1. you don’t :wink: there are alot of bug etc. that the devs know of, that they haven’t fixed yet (things that’s not importent for the apricot project). Wait until they submit they submit features to truk, and se if the bug still exist. Then you could file a bug report the usal way.

  2. Well you could ask them here, but remberer apricot glsl features is still in development… there are alot of thing that will change down the road…

I have been asking questions here.;-). but unless the devs read this forum… it’s kinda pointless to ask questions if no-one will here knows the answers… :wink:

–well Ben2610 reads the forums a lot…which is usefull… but I would like to know where we can ask the other devs direct questions like the ones in the post above… or somewhere we can post that they will get around to reading… seeing at they are super busy…

I’m not asking to be shown everything… and I also realise that features are in development… and will change… it sometimes hard to tell which is a feature and which is a bug…

–>well what I’m trying to figure out is this… which will be best to use… Nodes or Materials…? because if some effects only work with materials while some work only work with nodes… it is important to know when choosing what sort of graphic effects to use when designing a game…

Also is there anywhere we can read up on any other planned GE features? Just asking because maybe this info is out there// maybe not…? If it is I would be intrested in reading it…