hello i have started on a APU from the movie Matrix revolutions.
here is two screenshots:
C&C is welcome
hello i have started on a APU from the movie Matrix revolutions.
here is two screenshots:
C&C is welcome
from what i can understand thats just one foot for it
looks great so far, id really love to see how this turns out
stick with the render style of the first pic in my opinion its way cool for a mech (APU)
oh and thats sweet keep at it
I was expecting the standasd chicken legs you find in a mech (the Atlas and a few others not included).
[Arr! Input is this: Redesign the whole thing. Steal the shape from something else if you have to! Honestly, you have excellent modeling skills, but the cohesiveness of the design is lacking. - Sorry if this is too harsh…]
Very nicely modeled.
Hi there, you’re making a very detailed model…it’s looking good can’t wait to see it with the guns!
That’s coming along nicely. Have you taken a loot at George Hull’s Matrix concept art? Some nice APU concepts there.
Nice! You’ve got loads of details i see. Are you going to rig it? It would be awesome to see an animation.
Yeah i think im going to rig it but thats gonna be quite hard cause im not too good at rigging :spin:
Cool, I’m looking forward to it, once your finished modeling. The hydraulics might be a little tricky, but I think you can certainly do it.
Over a year since last post:o really sorry about that
comming soon: better materials, better render and more details
Well done kodram! It looks like one joystick handle is missing though.
man, usually if it’s been more than a few months, any project of mine is dead to me. good job on returning to an older work, looks great, btw
Rodicul: i cant see any handle missing? thanks tho
mexicoxican: thank you =) its fun to work on old projects because now im almost finished and can work more on details before it gets booring again
here is a small update:
textured the seat
small changes to the legs
better render
Now I see it. Don’t know why I didn’t see it before. :^j