APU (Armored Personal Unit)

hello i have started on a APU from the movie Matrix revolutions.


here is two screenshots:



C&C is welcome :slight_smile:

from what i can understand thats just one foot for it
looks great so far, id really love to see how this turns out

a small update:

stick with the render style of the first pic in my opinion its way cool for a mech (APU)

oh and thats sweet keep at it

now i made the legs but their a little too short


I was expecting the standasd chicken legs you find in a mech (the Atlas and a few others not included).
[Arr! Input is this: Redesign the whole thing. Steal the shape from something else if you have to! Honestly, you have excellent modeling skills, but the cohesiveness of the design is lacking. - Sorry if this is too harsh…]
Very nicely modeled.

didnt have time to render so i give you a screenshot :stuck_out_tongue:


Hi there, you’re making a very detailed model…it’s looking good can’t wait to see it with the guns!

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thanx for your comments :slight_smile:

here is the same one but rendered


That’s coming along nicely. Have you taken a loot at George Hull’s Matrix concept art? Some nice APU concepts there.


hello its been a while since last update but now the arms are begining to take shape :slight_smile:

Nice! You’ve got loads of details i see. Are you going to rig it? It would be awesome to see an animation.

Yeah i think im going to rig it but thats gonna be quite hard cause im not too good at rigging :spin:

Cool, I’m looking forward to it, once your finished modeling. The hydraulics might be a little tricky, but I think you can certainly do it.

Over a year since last post:o really sorry about that
comming soon: better materials, better render and more details :wink:

enjoy :slight_smile:

Well done kodram! It looks like one joystick handle is missing though.

man, usually if it’s been more than a few months, any project of mine is dead to me. good job on returning to an older work, looks great, btw

Rodicul: i cant see any handle missing? thanks tho :slight_smile:

mexicoxican: thank you =) its fun to work on old projects because now im almost finished and can work more on details before it gets booring again :wink:

here is a small update:
textured the seat
small changes to the legs
better render


Now I see it. Don’t know why I didn’t see it before. :^j