
Congratulations with being in the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2021’!

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Of course, I also featured you on BlenderNation :slight_smile:

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That’s awesome, thank you so much!


Regarding denoising, I personally use my own multi-pass denoising group. But I agree, nothing beats just using more samples. If you don’t mind, do you think you could break down how you light your interior scenes? Especially the kitchen/bedroom/bathroom ones on your Behance. I’d love to know about hdri strength, lights used, tonemapping, post processing, and everything else you do regarding lighting. It’s astonishing to me how you can get Cycles to look this natural.

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Thank you so much! I eyeball my world strength every time. If you’re using the sky texture node you can leave it at the default or reduce it slightly to avoid under and overexposure. Make sure you get a nice balance between light and shadow or else everything will look flat. For tone mapping I’m using corona image editor. It has really nice controls for flimic shadows and highlights compression, plus the best looking glare which beats the blender’s one. And lastly I give it some love in camera raw filter in Photoshop, mostly increasing texture and clarity to bring out the details. Let me know if you have any other questions :smiley:

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