An old-fashioned game cabinet makes excellent practice for subsurface work. I just completed my model and (hopefully) will have little trouble on the UV unwrap and texturing.
Pics of the model here.
An old-fashioned game cabinet makes excellent practice for subsurface work. I just completed my model and (hopefully) will have little trouble on the UV unwrap and texturing.
Pics of the model here.
i’d recommend using an image tag dude.
does wonders, rather than having people clicking external links by users with less than 20 posts.
anyway model looks good.
but if you want a better image host try “tinypic”, as far as i can tell there’s no bandwidth limit and it works wonderfully.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’m still figuring out the proper method for putting pictures up. I tried to link with thumbnails, but the forum wouldn’t let me list three URLs at once. I’ll check out tinypic.
just use the default file uploader (the little picture icon up there), it automatically re-sizes the image and saves them here.