Arcade type vertical shooter game

Hi there,

This game is made by “mt” who is my frend.
Enter below site and click “U’BLASTER”

Thank you.

:slight_smile: that game is totally awesome. A little tough, but I’m not complaining. Very reminiscent of the old shooters, I mean VERY. Almost like a 3D update of the classics (which it is, in a sense). Your friend is very talented :wink:

:-? em, this may sound a little weird, but I’d like to find out more about you. The reason why, is because I was thinking of taking a trip to Japan after graduation, and I’d like to find out what it’s like over there. thanks for hearing me out :wink:

Wow, great game! Another one of those simple games that is really good. Tell your friend nice work. The game engine seems to be having a little bit of a renaisance! WOOHOO!!!

yes, awesome game! :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice game! The sounds kinda get anoying after a while though…


Thank you for your reply! He will glad to see these comments. :smiley:

To SeaCigar:
Too I think that he has talent. I want his sense of design.
BTW, I’ll tell you about Japan if I can…me? I’m an amateur user.:wink:

Thank you again!