Archaeological reconstruction for museum display - neolithic village

Hello Blenderartists, around two years ago I started learning blender - I posted my first questions around here and am still thankful for your replies!

Now my first freelance work is published:

Finally I was able to publish a contract work for an archaeological museum - this 3D-Animation shows a possible reconstruction of a neolithic village in Bavaria near Riedling. All the Information (Fauna, houses, activities and exact measurements of the features, were provided by the research team - my job was it “to create a visualisation” for public outreach purposes with educational character.

Nearly all was created within blender (2.83) - only the handlettering and audio cut had to be done outside of blender. It took me around 5 months part-time work to do this. I’m still not happy about some details, but only a published work is a good work!

If you have any questions, just write me

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really nice! you have a lot of grass and trees, was the rendering time huge or did you do any optimization?

Thank you!

Yes, my PC needed 25min per frame (~9000 frames total), so rendering would have taken months on my PC → I rendered the frames via SheepIt and Renderstreet at the end.

Vegetation (grass, shrubs, stones and trees) was implemented with a particle system (+children), I used this technique:

Sadly I wasn’t able to randomize the z-achis. I guess in the particle system is much better optimized in blender 3.0 now.

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Congrats. You’ve done really well!

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