Architectural Thingy (model released)

Well, during the segfault downtime where I couldn’t work on my rigging project, I decided to occupy myself with more mechanical modeling. Cause I’ve always sucked at it and I figure I can always use more practice at anything. Now that I have a build where the bug is fixed, it’s back to the old stuff, which means I’m probably not going to work on this anymore.

So, anyway, testing, one two three. :slight_smile:


woooooooo I love it.
Shame you’re not going to keep going, this has a real feel to it, as if it’s part of a larger scene.

i like the design a lot!

however, i feel those wires connecting from the bases of the bridge, to the middle of the “v” serve no real purpose, but whatever they look cool.

great jobb

exactly what i thouhgt!
nice atmosphere:D

morning coffee

Wickes and Frozer: Good call, actually, I’d just played a crap-load of Exile and I was in a weird head-space. :]

Bacon, the opposing line of wires functions as tension stability in the wind and as sort of a cheap railing, just for people to hold on to.

: Thanks, and I actually thought about going on, but the thing is I’d have no clue what to do with it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, the purported atmosphere is nothing really but a sun-lamp and an HDRI sphere map for the AO colour, rendered in blender internal.

That’s what I wanted to say too, small modification:

Tomahna, Toldemer

Very very nice, but if your not planning to use it again, could you give us th blend file?

Here you go, people. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to, but if you do plan to use it for anything, could you let me know?

I might be interested in tweaking it and maken a nice scenery.
nice modeling:D
You even put gears in the buildings! (hard to see in the render)
if I do something with it, i’ll definitely post it here!

sorry to bother you, but i think the file is bad, it says its only 17kb!!!
any how nice model!!!

You might’ve just hit a bad patch, it downloads fine for me.

Quick render test, nothing special.

I really like this! I have no idea what it is, but it’s awesome! It’s kind of futuristic but ancient at the same time… very nice work.:yes: