Architectural Visualization #1

My project for the day, a recreation of an image I saw over at evermotion. Rendered with blender internal. I’ll be doing plenty of arch renderings in the future, so any comments and crits are welcome and much appreciated!


really awesome view. Great visualization. Great job done.

selling a house

looks good (maybe a bit moody, but i like that) ! got any more angles ?

It’s a nice work, I’m very impressed, because it’s hard to get that level of realism in internal… but I wonder where is the meaning of that camera angle; it’s a very interesting composition, but for a movie. For archviz you will need images that could show all the project, from a human perspective… it’s quite boring, I know, but you can always use this can of images for details and other stuff…

Anyways, it’s a incredible work, love the mood that you get here, not very common in archviz

PS: sorry for my english, I know that sucks :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks guys! This is the only angle I have for this project. And thats a really good point about the normal human perspective shots… I’ll definitely do that in future projects. Since this project was actually a recreation of a different archviz image I saw, and it was more about mimicking the lighting and mood, so I’m glad that came across!
P.S. your english is really good man… i never would have guessed you aren’t a native english speaker :smiley:

sweet render! Great job!