This thread found via google – no longer works.
I just checked and I don’t think that topic even worked on the old site anymore. That said, the ‘archive’ is not part of the migration project.
What will happen to the archive? I thought that was the point of the 4500 stretch goal on kickstarter to allow people to ‘fall back on old conversations to find answers and inspiration, and all this historical information needs to be easy to access’
I’m pretty sure that the thread still exists… just not necessarily at that URL. The archive worked, but threads stopped moving to static archive pages over 5 or 6 years ago, I think. There’s a way to monkey around with the URL to match the old vbulletin structure and get the right link, I think.
What was the title of that archived thread?
What I try typically
The above returned
Which I doubt is correct.
This is the google cache version –
title is Python Spell Checker (By Peter Norvig)
It actually is… seems right.
Cool. When archives were mentioned was thinking it was too recent. Enjoy.
Yay! So… problem solved[-ish]?
@bartv @Fweeb. Last I tested there were still failing cases like those @joahua linked for example. Others too iirc.
Not solved. the link i posted in the original comment still is broken (so google results are broken atm)
I’m still unclear about what needs to be done here. If threads were in the database they should still exist. If they got moved to a ‘static html’ folder, we’re out of luck I’m afraid.
Can someone help me understand this issue?
I assume this is the same issue I’m thinking about, so let me clarify. ALL google results of BA archived pages are down.
E.g.: (down)
vs non-archive page: Merge objects? (working)
Since this site is basically a huge google-indexed Blender Q&A thread pool, this cripples things. See the issue?
So make a regex that turns requests like /forum/archive/index.php/t-NUM.html (IIRC there was pagination too) to /forum/showthread.php?NUM so the system redirects to the proper /t/XXX/OTHERNUM Start with HTTP 307 and once all looks OK, make it 301?
Edit: subforum index were f-SECT.html and f-SECT-p-PAGE.html, BTW. And yeah, confirmed, threads with pages were t-NUM-p-PAGE.html.
Edit2: Of course, it could go one single step, from t-NUM-p-PAGE.html to t/title/OTHERNUM/POST by computing what old archive PAGE means in terms of total posts.
Note for self: this requires rewriting
I’ve added the rewrite and archived links should work again now - provided they’re not part of the missing topics that we’re still working on to recover.
Please test and confirm!
Seems to be working for me so far! Thank you truly for your work.
I’m far too used to websites and services suddenly changing everything without considering the workflow issues and the little bugs they open up because they don’t look at it from the userbase’s perspective, so this responsive and seamless an action is really a breath of fresh air for me.
Thanks, I appreciate the comment!