Archviz Backdrop for Blender 2.92 to 4.1

Hi, I created this addon for Blender 2.92 to 4.1. I hope it can be useful.

Archviz Backdrop is a time-saver addon for Blender 2.92 to 4.1 that will help you create 2D background in a one click.
You can find it here:


  • 16 preset Backdrops (8K resolution)
  • Lights interaction
  • Turn On/Off cast shadow
  • Radius, height, rotation and U-tiling controls
  • Custom Backdrops: select your image and create your custom Backdrop (.png and .jpg)
  • Compatible with Cycles and Eevee
  • Futures updates included
  • For Blender 2.92 to 4.1


It’s not free.
Added commercial tag.

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Thank you! Sorry, this is my first post in this section and I didn’t know I had to do it.

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Hi - Just bought and installed, but not working here.
Blender 3.1.2 on an iMac.

I get this error…

Hi Nige, Thank you for the support!
I just tested it on the same version of blender (Windows) and it seems to work correctly. However, I will try to test it on Mac as soon as possible. Could you please specify precisely the steps you took?

Using bpy.ops for your functions is notoriously buggy and hit-or-miss, you’ll do better to define the context manually in your code and then call the UV unwrap operation

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Just did a normal install from the zip file. Blanks scene. Click ‘Create backdrop’ and I get a circle and the error message…

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Thank you, I will try to fix the code as soon as possible, as per advice of @joseph . Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi Just sent a DM…

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a new version of Archviz Backdrop is out. It is a more stable version. Thank you all for the support!

Hi! Archviz Backdrop 1.2 is now available. This version fixes a compatibility issue with Glare addon. Thanks for the support!

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Hello! Archviz Backdrop 1.3 is now available.
This update includes a fix for a bug related to language localization that some of you might have encountered. With this fix, the add-on should now work more seamlessly across different language settings.
Thanks for your continued support and feedback!