Are their any outdoor people here

I’m a big fan of outdoor sports I’m big into mountain biking, camping for days on end in the middle of nowhere, and I’m going to be getting into rock climbing this year, and scuba probably next year. It’s safe for me to say I’m huge into being outdoors, I really can’t get enough of it. When I plan a vacation or a trip it always revolves around doing something outside, such as mountain biking or hiking in the wilderness.

I was wondering if there are any other people here who are the same. It doesn’t really matter what “it” is either. Whether it’s a sport such as baseball, soccer, or surfing, or even something extreme such as BASE Jumping (which I want to do). And if so post here what it is you do.

P.S. checking the mail once a day doesn’t count.

I like to go rock climbing, camping is awesome too.
Never been mountain biking before though.

I do Scuaba Diving, the season just started, and it’s damn cold (in holland) but well it’s worth a lot. In the summer I go to Spain for 6 weeks, working as Scuba Diving instructor. No blender, no pc or whatever, just back to basic. :slight_smile:

Scaboossca: That’s awsome. Where do you climb and what’s your favorite? You ought to try mountain biking since you like mountain climbing you should like it. I tell you there is just nothing like screaming down a mountain or hill at 45 or faster.

JD-multi: That’s damn cool, I’m almost the same except instead of 6 weeks it’s usually out no longer than 2 weeks :frowning:

i mostly climb around where i live (100 miles from home) and in indoor gyms to practice.

i havent really climbed anything really high mostly 150 feet(46 meters) there is nothing around my house much higher than that:(

I do some sailing, but recently havent had the money to go down to the local loch, and sail. :frowning:

I used to go outside and explore the country-side, and fence, until all my friendes moved, which was about 10 of them, in 1 years time. That stinks.

I like hiking in the wilderness. I especially enjoyed hiking in Washington near Mt Rainier , in the Grand Canyon and other really neat places during the trips I’ve done. I’m in Belgium now so I usually go every so often to my grandparents home who have a really nice house in the Ardennes and we go hiking in the low rolling forested hills which is really nice.

I havnt done rock climbing nor scuba diving though. But I also liked the many times I went boating in Kentucky with friends (waterskying and fishing and lighting fireworks for the 4th of july is a great experience)

i like to go canoing and kayaking also.
i was on a canoe trip and found a cliff like 30 feet high and we were all jumping off of it and on one of my jumps i landed wrong (flat on my back) it hurt and knocked the wind out of me. i’m looking forward to next time now.

I’m so sorry to hear that you came to Kentucky Slepnyrl. I like free hand rock climbing (Real rock climbing, not a big plastic wall) Fishing is OK, I love shooting guns (Yes it’s outdoors at a range), I enjoy swimming as well, hiking, and barley crawling across a vast desert in Tucson (Honestly) and you know, all that good stuff. I am jealous of you Slepnyrl, I really REALLY want to hike into the Ardennes Forest that would be soo cool :smiley:

I don’t blend much because I am outside a lot. Mostly these days I do a lot of whitewater kayaking or backpacking The reason I moved to where I live now is so I can do more fun things outside. Right now I’m sewing my own ultralight camping stuff so I can go farther more easily. I used to guide rock climbing classes and did lots of multi-pitch lead climbing in West Virginia and North Carolina. But I’m too short to be really really good. And I like caving, its sort of like rock climbing underground, but I don’t get to go that often anymore.

Ardennes Forest! Now I’m jealos :smiley: .

I’m an outdoors person for the length of my laptop’s battery life:D

but seriously, I ride freestyle BMX and ummmm that’s about it. Oh, I also like cook outs and hikes.

I used to be incredibly active, ride bikes, play the drums, hike mountains, camp. Once I went to the Grande Canyonand went about a third of the way down and ran back up three quaters of the way back up! In the middle of July! I also went to Chaco Canyon and hiked for hours through that in July as well, it was awesome! I miss the desert :frowning:

I’ve dwelt in the mountains and forests my entire adult life and I presently live in Umpqua National Forest. is our web portal

I like mountainbiking as well, too bad holland is just that flat! in 2007, i’ll be biking my way to England. (using the boat, it sound more than it is).

Any people who are going to the 2007 World Jamboree?

Go Baseball, I just love the sport, and camping and stuff like that is fun.

Hiking is one of my things when going outdoors, a shame we don’t live near any decent places to hike like the mountains.

Yeah it’s a great place to be unless it’s raining (ugh, the weather here can be really really wet at times…)

Here is a beautiful picture I took this summer though:

<jackj begins to pant and salivate at slepnyrl’s photo> That’s awesome! jackblack, ever been to Tucson?