Are there any deaf people here?

i just though that it would be cool to find any deaf blender since pretty much all of the deafs i met are not real smart (due to language comparison difficulties between sign language and english) so whoever blend and r deaf should be (i guess) more intellectual in term of conversation.

NOTES: I’m not discriminating the deaf as I am one too. But it is true that most deaf has a real dificulties with english. especially those who had to go to a deaf (and blind sometime) institution. I’ve graduated from the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind in year 2004. When i first started going there at the last year of middle shcool, it was to help me make more friends (my social life back then was pretty pathetic) and stuffs. But I took a reading test and turns out that I was past college level compared to the other deaf student nationally and at that time most of the high school seniors would go down to the elementary school or occassionally the middle school to find a easy enough book to read (notes: most of them are picture book like the dr.suess books)

Whoa, cool, I guess, the fact that I’ve never met a deaf graphics artist, I think I’m starting to go deaf, I can’t hardly hear anything anyone says anymore, of course I could just have selective hearing lol. So were you born deaf?

Well, not to be rude or anything, but I am curious, and this might be a stupid question…

What is it like to be deaf?

Are there no sound(ish) things whatsoever?

well i was born hearing but i’ve gotten spinal meningitis (dunno if it the correct spelling) when i was about 1 year old. luckily my mom and dad had me learn Exact English Sign Language first instead of the standard ASL (American Sign Language) so i’ve never had a problem tying to translate the ASL’s backward grammer to english.

Yeah i could understand the selective hearing thing as since i was in the institute full of deaf student, as a matter of privacy most student ignore whatever anybody else is saying, unles those people call our attention with action such as a tap on our shoulder or a wave, though it is a bit harder than the selective hearing as we still have to be visually aware of our environment all the time.

well for some of us we do have sound, like me i can hear with the aid of my hearing aid. unfortunately for some of us (like me) we have tinnitus which is a ringing in the head (has something to do with my hearing nerves for me) so this force me to wear my hearing aid all the time to satify my ear. i dunno how to explain it otherway. but even for the complete deaf who have never heard a sound, we have something like a visual sound which mean we manifest sounds to go with whatever visual cue we see. for example if i took off my hearing aid and see you tap on a desk with your fingernail then i’ll associate a sound (TAP TAP TAP) to that visual cue. everyone has it but more so for the deaf.

Oh I get what your saying on the visual cue thing often when I’m driving and there are shadows from the trees or poles that I’m passing under, it generates as sound in my mind. Sorta sounds like a du du du d du du du du du… Also animated avatars have sound to me too. I get a lot of ringing in my ears, like when it’s completely silent, the ringing is all I can hear

yep that sound quite alot like my tinnitus. that why i have to have my hearing aid on so it won’t get quite enough for it to start ringing. my ringing can actually start up so strong that it hurts. so you can see why i need my hearing aid!

yeah i have the same thing with the shadow though for me it is more like an alternation of the moter droning as i drive under the shadows and stuffs.

Only problem with the visual cue for me is that it makes it very very easy for me to imagine another voice in my head and talk to myself in my mind. my bro says that sometime i talk out loud when i was not aware of it. hopefully i’m not messed up in my head! :wink:

I don’t think your going nuts, you can probably hear yourself think louder. I think everyone hears that voice.

I was reading about a machine that senses the minimal pulses in your throat/mouth/vocal system when you “think”. You know, that “voice” you talk in your head with. They think it may help people with disablilities, but I think it would be an invasion of privacy.

I used to have hearing problems when I was younger. Also got nailed in the head with a golf ball (right behind the right ear). I do have some really annoying and really loud ringing in my ears . . . but for the most part I can hear ok.

I seem to have a problem with talking really low so that nobody can hear. It sounds perfectly fine to me (inside my head), but nobody else seems to understand me. I sometimes have repeat myself like 2-3 times for people to hear what I said. That frustrates me really easily.

i also hear a ringing noise when it’s really quiet. It is pretty minimal and doesn’t bother me very much, and i also hear a voice in my head when i think. :slight_smile: It’s probably normal.

p.s. jackblack, your sig makes me want to watch Teen Girl Squad! i think i will right now. “Cornchips are no place for a mighty warrior!”

DreamDate is deaf.

I’m another person with tinnitus. Ring ring ring. I don’t let it bother me much, there is little I can do about it. I tend to avoid very loud things as much as possible.

Hopefully I won’t go deaf, I think I might currently be a bit hard-of-hearing, but I might not be.

Jaycun: Yeah i do have the same problem with the vocal volume control though i tend to go louder more often than quieter.

Al_Capone: There are no DreamDate on this forum. (not listed in member directory)

those of you that have tinnitus, i doubt that you would go deaf or hard-of-hearing. Many hearing people has tinnitus too but it tends to be more severe and shows up more often among the deaf.

I’m not deaf, but I can sign ASL pretty well. I’m in college, and I needed a year of foreign language, and American Sign Language now counts as a foreign language. It was a much better choice than spanish. The classes are really fun, and I regularly encounter deaf people, including all my ASL teachers.

Cool. I wonder Which college? I might know some people that goes there. The deaf world (especially of those in the institution) are pretty small.

He probably meant DreamMaster.

lol… this is funny. I came into “off topic chat” to check on one of my posts and I see this thread. Interesting. As it happens I’ve been an elysiun frequenter nearly every day for the past er… 4 years or so I think. I also was born hearing and when I was 5 I contracted spinal meningitis and became deaf. I now have a cochlear implant in my right ear that has greatly improved the quality of my life. I’m glad to know that there is another deaf guy out there that has his sights set as high as I do. Keep blendering!


I know that ByronFilm on IRC #BlenderChat is deaf, he is learning English as well, he doesn’t speak English nativley (Yes speak, I believe he told me he taught himself to speak) And he uses blender to make composite videos of what the signs in ASL mean. Nerddragon, I never would have suspected you to be deaf. I have known several deaf people who can’t hardly type words on the computer. I don’t know if having your ears worn down (Hearing Saws running, Gunshots right next to your head, monster truck shows all without any ear protection) My ears have problems hearing anyone speak when there is loud music playing, It is funny because I will be standing with someone right behind me yelling my name into my ears and I won’t even notice.

What up, Zachboy82? I’m glad to know of another deaf in this community too.

jackj: yeah i know what u are talking about the deaf that can’t type right. (see my first post upstair) Though you shouldn’t be suprised that some deaf can speak well despite the fact that most of them can’t. They are not mute too. I, myself, can hold a conversation with most hearing person though lately i’m having to bring a notepad in case i don’t understand the person i’m talking to (i think it has to do with my new hearing aid. i need to get a new one).