Are there any improved primitive objects adding scripts?

Are there any improved primitive objects adding scripts?

I’m currently trying to write an import script and need to add simple objects like cubes, spheres, cones and cylinders, but at specific locations and with a specific rotation.

ex: Add a cylinder of radius R, length H at position P with axis [ a,b,c ].

It seems like something so useful that I find it difficult to imagine that no such script already exists.
Has anybody already written something like this?

Another thing I need is a script to add “arrows” (like the ones indicating the axes in Blender for instance). Adding a “3D base” with 3 arrows would also be nice.

You can add primitive in blender with BPY.OPS

and on most object you an set the rotations and location cjeck out wiki page for theses

can you show pic of arrows you need


You may discover all of yourself as follows (Blender 2.54 used!!!)

Shift A and chose choose ‘Mesh’, there you can see a lot of basic objects!
let the mouse stay on any of them for a while and you can see the API command to create such an object with Python!
Open the Scripting!

Type in the console eg. (and then Ctrl-space) and you can see a lot of possibilities
add some more distiguishing letters and again Ctrl- space to finish up to the opening (
and you see all of the parameters of your newly to be created object!
Try! Works perfectly!
You can see too all of the parameters looking at suitable 2.5 Api!, and it is found clicking the help and going to the API!!!

Example from the console
>>> bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_
primitive_circle_add( primitive_cone_add( primitive_cube_add( primitive_cylinder_add( primitive_grid_add( primitive_ico_sphere_add( primitive_monkey_add( primitive_plane_add( primitive_torus_add( primitive_uv_sphere_add(
>>> bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_grid_add(