Hi , I’m developing a new game , I will post more information soon , but I maked a basic arena , now textured , if you can comment it , I will say THANKS
I have a problem with the sky , I don’t know how to texture it O_O.
Hi , I’m developing a new game , I will post more information soon , but I maked a basic arena , now textured , if you can comment it , I will say THANKS
I have a problem with the sky , I don’t know how to texture it O_O.
make textures higher quality
The quality is fine. I think it looks good.
For the sky, google skyboxes or sky domes. There’s lots of free ones around.
One part of your texture is upside down, the part nearest to the camera.
Now you just need something to fight.
How to add a sky dome:
That’s it! Now you have a sky in your game ;). Hope that wasn’t too complicated
Thanks , I will try it
You have re-uploaded your palm tree? I will use it in my game