Ares class Battleship

Might slap the finished sticker on the sapce scene, not much more I can do to it.

So, I need a new model for my next scene. I began modeling this morning. Couple hours of work right here. What does everyone think?

It needs a name, too. Anybody have some ideas?


USS Fetish

Or, maybe you’re not American.

HMS Orion Blue?

Awesome model :slight_smile:

Hmmm…Orion. I’m definately liking that. Good call. :smiley:

thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t like how the nose loked like a…

you know…

So, i did some edits to that, mainly the connection between it and the main hull.

Got some more detail into the back end of the ship, and also added the name ORION to the ship.
Added a third auxillary engine / Big gun to the underside. I think 3 of them suits the orion name more.


Hey, so i wasnt here when the thread started… Um Orion as in the Stargate Atlantis, the ancients’ Orion ship or just a coincidence?
Cuz the Orion is the name and the Aurora is the Class of the ships.

Yours definately looks somewhat similar.

But yeah looking good! I could never get the hang of gribbling, you seem to get it :slight_smile:

strangely, it was loosely based off of the Aurora, I had no idea that it was called Orion though. I call that a coincidence, a pretty big one.

It was a suggestion by hacked though, maybe that inspired him to suggest the name, no idea.

Think I should rename it again? seems like I probably should…

I came up with a few ideas, you rarely go wrong with mythological names. :slight_smile:

-Triton, Talos, Athos, Cerberus, Pheonix, Pegasus, Hydra, Promethius, Themis, Iapetus, Hyperion, Ares, Erebos, Acheron…ect.

Hyperion sounds good.S
The Battleships looks really good. If it as to land or when its re-entering an atmosphere i believe the gun on the underbelly could get in the way. So maybe you should postion it on the top of the ship or make it more in line (probably not the word) with the hull so it won’t get in the way.

Your probably right about the underbelly gun. Although i’m sure a 15km long battleship would have trouble staying afloat in atmospheric conditions, i’ll move it anyway, it looks nicer in line with the others.

I think that hyperion is a nice name, but it is sort of overused, not to mention the battleship that goes by the same name in EVE online.
Might go with it though, but I kind of like all those names, so i’m having a hard time choosing.


Built some new greebly, detail meshes.

Hull paneling and long, thin objects with some simple geometry, which when applied en masse look like decks.
Getting there, still loads to do :slight_smile:


Renamed it to Ares, for now. I like that name.

Anyway, I have started on modeling some hull details into parts of the ship.


Lookin’ good. Although, really 15 km long ? That’s no moon… :slight_smile: It’s bigger than many cities - could be hard to give a sense of that much scale. But very nice so far.

Looks Good, At 15 Km long something tells me the crew won’t be unhealthy.

15Km is large, I know :smiley:

I have always prefered this kind of Sci-Fi, with enormous ships the size of cities, that have taken decades to build, duking it out across vast seas of space with projectiles larger than houses traveling at hypersonic speeds. May not be everybodies cup of tea, but thats how I like to imagine all of my creations.

For instance, a fighter in a ‘normal’ sci-fi show, such as starwars, or somthing, would be only about the size of a modern car, with only enough room for one, maybe two people onboard. However, im my imagined universe, a typical fighter is much larger, about the size of a common lorry. I mean, you have to fit so much on board even a fighter… high powered engines, computer systems, life support, weapon systems and all the sci-fi technology that you normally hear about. It dosent seem like it would fit in a craft that is typical car sized.

But the main reason is because I love to see these ships of utterly titanic proportions. Its awe inspiring if done right, which I hope to do.

Due toe xams, updates are probably coming this weekend, if not tomorrow for somthing minor.

Personally I’d name it Ad banc victoriam.

I like my sci fi in general just so long as it looks cool i’m happy. You raise a good point about the amount of tech they put in these ships but you have to remember that as technology advances it seems to naturally get smaller for example mobile phones.

That is also true, but think about it, seeing as technology gets more compact we can fit more powerful things into casing that is just as large.
Ok, I explained that badly.
What I mean is, if we were to apply technology of modern standards to a mobile phone casing from the 90’s, we would potentially have a pece of kit that is more powerful than a computer was five years ago.
And, in my opinion, in space, the emphasis is on power and efficiency, not how small you can get your ships to be.
Anyhoo, like I said, just my opinion on the matter.

Yeaahh, I know I said I was going to try to get some updates on the weekend, but exams are a real pain, so I didn’t get anything notable done over those 2 days. Still at the process of hull greebling / detailing. Same as always. Just wanted to let you guys know that I didn’t die or anything… still here!


How do you get your edges so sharp and are you using subsurf

\i am using the edgesplit modifier, no subsurf :slight_smile: