This happens all the time and I never know what I’m doing wrong or how to fix it.
This is what it looks like in the Blender Game Engine, in the preview it looks fine. I’ve set up my uv map, assigned a texture, and set the uv’s to “light”. The entire model is working properly, EXCEPT for one lousey poly! Argh! I’ve tried to redo it a number of different ways, turned off light, changed the vertex color, changed the “active” poly, etc. etc. etc. I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.
It almost seems like nothing is assigned, UV texture wise, to most of the object present except for the top fingure tip area. Is it possible that you assigned a texture, at one time in the project, to the rogue area and then deleted it out later making the GE try to compensate in a bizarre way?
Try making a new texture, then UV texture several poly’s individually around, and including the problem area, with the new texture. Then delete the texture from your computer. Go back into the blender file and see if the problem spreads to the other poly’s.
Thanks for the feedback, but no, it’s not a problem with the texture. It’s probably hard to see just from that picture and my description, but I gave the entire model a solid yellow color texture (using a single colored .png). Then I applied vertex shading using the “light” button. What’s going wrong is that the entire model is responding to the light in the scene properly, except for this one polygon. The area you’re looking at above is on the “dark” side of the model (away from the light). As you can see, all the other poly’s are dark, except for this one poly.
I think the way I’ve fixed this in the past was to export the model as a .OBJ file to Ultimate Unwrap 3D, then re-import it. But I loose all my
Blender specific info when I do that. Is there a way to fix this in Blender?
Thanks, but no, that didn’t work. All the normals are correct. Ctrl + N recalculates the normal and basically made the poly dissappear.
The problem has to do with how the poly is responding to light. In the “UV Face Select”, in the “Texture Face” panel, I have selected “Tex”, “Light” and “Opaque” selected. I used “Copy DrawMode” to copy these settings from the “active” poly to the entire model. All of the poly’s are working properly except for this one poly
This is not an isolated problem. I have had this problem every time I’ve set up the UV’s in Blender, that’s why I’ve been using Ultimate Unwrap 3D. But it’s a real pain to have to export and import my models in the middle of a project, loosing tons of work… argh…
Don’t treat me like I’m stupid; OBVIOUSLY I know what Ctrl + N does, otherwise I wouldn’t have suggested it, and if it makes your mesh go “practically invisible” by doing so, you UV textured incorrectly in the first place. I could go through a whole LIST of solutions and they might not be right, because I would only be basing them from an uninformative picture.
But to start, the problem it’s your image?! Not explicit at all
Can you post a .blend?
Thanks OTO, but the problem has to do with the vertex colors, not a rendered image, not a texture. The model looks fine in the “textured” preview in Blender, and all the normals are pointing the right direction, and the textures and UV’s all appear to be OK.
Unfortunately, I can not post the blend. I’ll try to create a dummy model and see if the problem appears again and then post that one.
Blender_rox - my appologies if I sounded like I was challenging your intelligence, this was not my intent. But I’m not stupid either. As I’ve tried to explain, and apparently I’m not doing a good job explaining, this problem has nothing to do with my texture or uv map. It has to do with the vertex color and “light” setting in the vertex color panel. If I turn off the “light” button and apply that to all the uv’s of the model, the entire model looks like that single poly in the illustration at the top of this post. When I turn on the “light” button and apply it to the whole model, all the poly’s react to the light -except- this one poly.
I originally thought that maybe there’s something in the way I applied the “light” setting to the model that caused this, but I re-checked the steps I followed (based on numerous posts by Z3r0) and I think I’ve done this correctly.
I’m guessing this is a bug in Blender. The work-a-round is to export the model into another modeling app and redo the u/v’s there. That has worked in the past. Incidently, I’m using 2.41, but it also happens in 2.37b.
This also happens in 2.25. I had the same problem with my water texture in my helicopter game when I set it to ‘light’ (in fact the uv texture even moved in the opposite direction to the others). The only way I could solve it was to remove a few vertices around the offending face then recreate the faces and re-texture. It still didn’t look right until I pressed ‘P’, then it was OK.
Thanks JRT. I tried deleting just that poly, then recreated it by hand. Even tried rotating it’s uv. None of that worked. If I try your idea, I may not be able to recreate the mesh (the base mesh was imported from a CAD app).
I’m still fairly early in the building process for this model. It’s nearly complete, but I haven’t tweaked the UV’s yet. This was going to be the first project that I was going to do entirely in Blender… I guess not.
I’m pretty sure that things will get fixed when I re-import them, just didn’t want to have to mess with that, oh well. JRT, have you reported this as a bug? If not, I may. I’d really like to see them fix this, and while they’re at it, give us a “crease” tool for edges (at least one that will work in the GE).