
This really is more of a doodle than a game (currently). I don’t have a solid story or direction I want to take this game, but i had a great idea for a spaceship. Obviously it’s inspired by Star Trek and it also has elements of Battlestar Galactica in it. The disk spins to give centrifugal force :spin: which could explain why the people can stand…unlike other ships. All the filters used are from martinsh. Thanks bud.

general plot line currently:
Earth died.
Made big ship.
Called it Ark.
Searching for home. (typical)

Comments and suggestions are more than welcome.

Nice model - hopefully you can continue with it, because that’s pretty great already.

Thanks. I hope i do too. But like most of my projects, they tend to crash and burn pretty early on. I like this idea though, so there is hope.

Now, this is interesting. I once had an idea for a game mod WAAAAAAAY back in the day (so far back I can’t even remember the game :)), but it had a storyline that was built on the basic idea you have. If you want I can dig it up, and see what goes from there?

sure! I’m all for it! I’ve designed an enemy fighter and slightly enlarged the disk on the Ark.

"Earth. The cradle of humanity…

The year is 2265, and great photon energy harvesting operations on Earth’s motherstar, Sol, has pushed the star over the edge, causing a premature entrance of the final phase of a stars life, the supernova stage.
However, humanity had to survive, no matter the cost.
The great war for power that raged over earth came to a standstill, and for the first time in two thousand years all of humanity stood united in peace in aid of the preservation of their race. Even the great world superpowers, The Anadarian Federation, The Enodolian PMC and the great and mysterious Regaliaa’n machine tribes, ended their vies. Humanity was united in peace, to save itself.
The three great powers, using their vast amounts of resource devised an escape, a second chance for the human race… Built in the belly of an enormous makeshift shipyard, which was created by the three powers combinng their orbital war factories, the pinnacle of human ingenuity, took over 200 years to complete.
The Great Trinity of the Arkships was the result.
The Arkships were the haven of humanity, built to house the entire population of Earth and keep 3000 years of scientific and engineering advances safe.
And so humanity departed the world which they had fought over for untold centuries.

They drifting among the stars, rejoicing in their escape from certain death, and the new peace that had been a result of it, and they searched, they searched endlessly for a new world to colonise, a new world to rebuild their broken, but united civilization, but to no avail. Space was not kind.

Inevitably, arguments broke out between the Great Trinity, which then grew into fights, which in time matured into the old hatred the three powers had for each other.
However, the Great Trinity of the Arkships were not built with fighting in mind, merely survival, The Arkships were weaponless, so all the Trinity could do was go their own seperate paths in the galaxy, searching on their own for a new world to call their own.
Over many generations, all knowledge of the other Powers, even of their Arkships, was lost.

The Anadarians were the first to find a suitable world, and they quickly seized the moment, changing the beautiful and natural alien world into a sprawling human metopolis in a matter of years.

The Enodolians were the second to colonise a world, however, unlike the Anadarians, they began to build a great fleet of explorer ships by utilising the knowledge of Old Earth contained on their Arkship.

The Regaliaa’n never settled on a planet, instead they chose to construct vast machanical galactic cities, hundreds of thousands of miles long each. The Regaliaa’n then chose to build an all manner of different constructs, from the first hyperdrive engines to long distance terraformation pods.

The year is 16173. And the great explorer fleets of the Enodolian encountered the Anadarians for the first time in untold thousands of years. Bringing ancient memories of war back to the surface.
However, the Arkships were of more interest than old memories.
Knowing the inconceivable amount of knowledge that would be contained on each others Arkship, the two factions quickly built up huge war fleets in an effort to seize the power of the Arkships.
The battle quickly spread across huge stretches of space, with thousands of deaths every minute in a massive effort on both sides to crumble the others defence. It was not long before the Regaliaa’ns, too, were caught in the crossfire.

It was not long after that, that the Regaliaa’ns joined in.

Over time, the exact reason for war was becoming irrelevant, all the factions knew was that they had to win, at all costs. After more time, the importance of the Arkships was forgotten, and they were sent into the fray as command ships, to co-ordinate the vast battles raging throughout space. However, without the old knowledge contained on the Arkships, the technological might of the three powers began to fade, becoming more and more crude with each day.

The year is 21459. And the great husks that were once the harbingers of humanity, float lifelessely at the centre of the galaxy.
Vast swathes of space have been terraformed to suit the vast mining needs of the human war, consuming nigh on half of the galaxy, leaving only lifeless husks of planets remaining.
Few remember the memory of the great Arkships, and what knowledge they would grant to their finders. Weapons? Fuel? Peace? Maybe the location of Old Earth itself.

Who knows?
For now, the war still rages on,"

Obviously, cuts would need to be made in order for the game to be in any way interesting, you could always start the story from a few months before the Anadarians and the Enodolians re-descovered each other and started blasting the poopie out of each other, kind of a “prelude to war” starting point.

Also, this may require the Ark mto be scaled up a bit, a lot.

And finally, this being an old mod storyline, I do actually still have a couple of ship models that could be used, as they are poly friendly, just lacking textures.

But yeah, its up to you :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice story, not completely original and there are a few flaws, but I think it will work. :slight_smile:

That is a fantastic story line. No kidding, my current model would need to be scaled up quite a bit in order to house 1/3 of the human population. What if it was made to hold only a couple thousand though? I would think resources and would be a little thin after a huge war between three factions, and time would be cut short because of the possibility of the sun going nova at any time. I may be getting a little too scientific at this point, but the sun would be so huge if it were about to nova, it would consume the earth anyway (I could be wrong, check my facts).

this is going to diverge some from your story line.

Ok, I’m sort of taking this idea from Battlefield 2142. I like the idea that Earth suddenly goes into an ice age (possibly because a super volcano covered the earth in ash) and a huge fight brakes out within the current factions of Earth over remaining resources. Without each other knowing it, each faction builds an ark and sends it off to find a new planet to live on. They keep it secret because each don’t want the other trying for find and destroy their Arks. As a result, the arks are loaded with heavy weaponry and defenses. Each Ark holds the secrets of the factions they’ve come from as well as technological advances.

The arks converge at the same planet, the only one capable of supporting life within their travel range. Rather than duke it out, they send some of their people to colonize the surface while the Arks head back to Earth to asses the current situation there. They find a very hostile and different planet. Instantly they are attacked by a race of humans bred for merciless combat. The factions on Earth had genetically modified the next generations to fight until all of the other factions are wiped out. Earth, Mars, and the Moon have been colonized with this new breed that wishes to exterminate all natural humans. A colony on Europa (a moon of Jupiter) houses the last of the natural humans.

The game would be set as the player commanding one of the arks, trying to destroy the new breed of humans.

How do you like that idea?

Im all up for that. After all, my storyline was old, so seeing it changed really dosent phase me, as I no longer have a crazy attachment to it.
Ill send you a PM with some of the old models I have, as I also think we may have to more in-depths to talk about. This could shape up to be a rather interesting game :smiley:

Yeah i’d appreciate that. It does sound like a good game. I hope the openCL realtime particles gets implemented soon though. I’d like to see some nice explosions.

Yeah, sorry. I was going to try to send that PM out earlier with the models, but unfortunately I could only find three of the seven inital models I had built for the mod. Luckily, they are the three best (imo) models out of the set, so it isn’t that bad. I will try to get a render or printscreen of those models out ASAP.

Also, is the game going to ony focus on two factions, the ordinary humans and the genetically modified humans, or will the normal humans be divided into smaller factions? Personally, I think that factions within the regular humans could be quite interesting, as there could be different ship designs, missions and weapons for the different factions. Could definately add a lot of variety should you choose that option.

I agree. I think there should be a choice of ships, weapons, missions, etc for the humans. The genetically modified people shouldn’t be playable imo. Here’s another ship. I’m not a big fan of the fighter ship i made before so i redesigned it more similar to the ark. I also added some vertex painted “dirt” to the ships to add variety.

Awesome, good stuff. Just out of interest, what genre do you plan on this being? like space shooter, freeroam/flightsim, rts?

good question, I haven’t really decided. My programing knowledge is pretty limited (i’m good with logic blocks though), and I know the limitations of the BGE, so rts is pretty much out. What I had in mind was a space shooter based on naval warfare like . The difference is the battles are fought on a third dimension, up and down. The player would have to control weapons as well as defenses ( for defense I like the idea of battlestar galactica’s flak barrier to defend against missiles and fighters). Those are my ideas, what do you think?

If you want some realistic background to it that relates to current society, you could say that Global Warming melted icecaps, putting freezing waters into Europe’s warming currents, causing an Ice Age in Europe, causing a mass movement of people into the rest of the world. The ship was sent to deport 1,000 or so people. In its absence, the ice age spread and consumed the Earth.

Its an interesting idea, although I’m not sure if it matches Iliketosayblah’s whole storyline; I didn’t read the whole thing.

Not really, they were two different ideas for a story, and I didn’t really go into the hows and whys of why earth died in the first palce. Later on Nayshun might decide to merge our stories to some extent.

I think it could be possible to do a freeroam space shooter with 3d battles like your example. I seem to have the idea of EVE and Warpgate (for the iPad) combined.
What i mean by this is a free flying exploring and possibley trading space game, similar to the way EVE did it (sure, it wasnt a great game, but the enviroments were sexy), and you can enter combat mode in the same way that warpgate does it, where the controls change, allowing for possibley 3 dimensional combat and firing weapons assigned to keys or whatever. Obviously, we would need a programmer, as I too am limited to logic bricks.

If you want some realistic background to it that relates to current society, you could say that Global Warming melted icecaps, putting freezing waters into Europe’s warming currents, causing an Ice Age in Europe, causing a mass movement of people into the rest of the world. The ship was sent to deport 1,000 or so people. In its absence, the ice age spread and consumed the Earth.

Its an interesting idea, although I’m not sure if it matches Iliketosayblah’s whole storyline; I didn’t read the whole thing.

Yeah I like the ice caps idea. The game might go over better if people can relate to it in some way.

I think it could be possible to do a freeroam space shooter with 3d battles like your example. I seem to have the idea of EVE and Warpgate (for the iPad) combined.
What i mean by this is a free flying exploring and possibley trading space game, similar to the way EVE did it (sure, it wasnt a great game, but the enviroments were sexy), and you can enter combat mode in the same way that warpgate does it, where the controls change, allowing for possibley 3 dimensional combat and firing weapons assigned to keys or whatever. Obviously, we would need a programmer, as I too am limited to logic bricks.

I played the EVE trial for about 5 minutes before I was bored. Obviously my opinion on that is not the majority opinion, but I thought the game moved to slow. The graphics on the other hand are outstanding. Not familiar with warpgate, but I understand your gist. That kind of 3 dimensional combat and exploration is exactly what I’m thinking.

here’s an attachment that shows how i think the weapons should be placed. Weapons obviously can’t be placed on the disk because it’s constantly spinning.

Yeah, don’t worry. i found EVE was a slow and not too entertaining game, but like I said, the ambience and look and feel of the exploration was pretty epic.
I am guessing that point defence systems on larger ships will be automatic, and movement will be slower, as opposed to fighters wich will be twitch based?

P.S your handwriting is awesome.


yeah fighters definitely should be twitch based. Nice ships you got there. I can hear your sarcasm on the handwriting from here haha. Pen tablets do save time but I won’t pretend to pass off my writing as artwork.

There wasn’t actually any sarcasm, I was just commenting on the fact that it looks pretty cool :smiley:

Thanks, i’ll try to upload the .blend files for them tomorrow, and I still need to get hold of some textures for them.