Lately I have been busy trying to rig a character, and slowly but surely I am starting to get a handle on it.
Yet I do have a question:
My character is somewhat chubby and when I move his arms to be along side of his body, they intersect his body.
I know I can fix this through weightpainting, and when I increase the influence of the upper arm bone on the side of his body, this problem is reduced. But when I now lift his arm, the side of his body comes along.
Is there any way I can move the arm down without cutting into the body and move the arm up without deforming the belly?
Can I for example let the arm push geometry away instead of ‘cutting’ into it?
Any help is welcome
You can create shape keys that are driven by the rotation of the arm. By changing the curve of the driver curve, you can easily have the key only activate when the arm touches the body. Then, you can have the shape key gradually turn on to look like the arm is deforming the body. This will be tedious.
Another approach is to use more bones. Build a mechanism that supports an additional bone that deforms the underarm of the body. Getting the mechanism to move you want will be the tricky part. For something like this, you’d probably need drivers in the mechanism to make it work well.
In the end, you may need to use a combination of these to get the behavior that you want.
Thanks for your reply,
Since I am quite a noob with rigging and skinning, and this is the first time I actually work it, I am afraid adding bones will make this to complicated for me.
Shape keys however, does seem like an option which I can handle
I’ll do some further research on this, thanks