armature animation

im using armatures to try and animate a simple character, i set a pose in pose mode, press I and choose locRot, then put the frames forward, make a new pose and press locrot again…but nothing happens! I can see the curves appear, but instead of a curve its just a straight line! nothing seems to work properly and I dont know why!

If you want to post the file somewhere ( is good), I’ll take a look at it and see if there’s something obvious.

I assume that you’ve either created the vertex groups automatically or manually or weight painted the character?

Have you added particles/hair to the character? … If so, there is a known bug that with particles on, interactive posiing/keying doesn’t work. You have to temporarily turn off your particle emitter by clicking on the ‘verts/faces’ buttons in the particles/from tab.



Hmmm…the problem seems to be fixed…I had made a copy of the mesh and armature, and put it on another layer to play with until I got the hang of posing etc. and this copy was what I had the problem with. The original seems to work fine…I’m confuzzled by that but o well, no harm done. Here’s the file if you still want to look at it.

EDIT: oh im having trouble again…I’m trying to delete the animation I kust did, and I’ve deleted all the curves for the mesh and the armature, but in the frames the animation is still there. I don’t know why and any help would be much appreciated. EDIT2: never mind i deleted the “NLA” whatever that is and now it’s gone.