Armature Deform with Automatic Weights

Meet Mr. Stick:

I’m having a problem getting the Armature Deform with Automatic Weights to grab his arms:

I went through the process of just selecting the forearm mesh and assigning it to the forearm bone, but it still doesn’t work perfect, it seems the mesh moves about 50% of what the bone does. I don’t have a screenshot from this, but I’d rather fix my mesh so the automatic feature grabs the arm properly. I don’t want to have to deal with selecting the mesh parts over and over and assigning them… at least not more than to do minor fixes.

Any ideas?

Just in case, here’s a close up of one of the arms:

Thanks in advance!

Mr. Moo

Insufficient info. Please ALWAYS supply a link to your blend file for ALL support questions. You are making it difficult for anyone to help you.

Without that the only answer to give is, check the weighting for ALL bones so they affect only those vertices you want it to affec
Ensure you don’t have more than one armature modifier
Clear any rotation/role etc for bones and object

It looks like your normals are flipped. (Normals are the direction of the mesh faces.) Select your mesh in edit mode, select all vertices with Hotkey A, in the tool panel find the recalculate normals button and click it. Re-parent your mesh with automatic weights.

Good luck!