Now it has retargeting and according to the last one can now take care of tails properly., No wonder Theeth has hidden the current skeleton generation, I’m thinking he’d want it a bit more powerful before Blender users can use it.
May 31, 2008, 9:02am
It’s hidden because tweaking the settings currently need arcane knowledge that I neither have the time nor the wish to document.
Don’t worry though, it’ll eventually end up being something usable, but don’t hold your breath too much, this is long term development.
As a quick teaser though, here’s the kind of results I can get with the current very early state of the code.
Retargetting an insect rig on the peach butterfly:
Initial -> Result (calculation time 3s).
Dang! Well long term or not, it looks great already, thanks for the work you do!
Alternative method for Correletation based subdivision is started, I wonder what big uses this will have?
May 31, 2008, 12:20pm
Can we not get announcement on every little commit I do on this branch?
I mean, I don’t mind people posting reports on what’s happening in SVN, but if it’s down to every commits, it’s a bit too much I think.
EDIT : Especially since the commit in question has very little “excitement” factor, it’s very boring technical stuff that doesn’t in work ok yet.
Don’t worry people, when I have something usable, I’ll show it!