Armature -> IPO

Might sound strange, but I have made a piece of animation using armatures. It works fine but, for going on on my idea i would need to throw away the armature and keep the animation as IPO to the object formerly parented to that armature.

Is this possible somehow?

Thanx in advance


OK… I’ve done what I wanted with NLA, but it was long and painfull. With IPOs would have been easier… so my question stands


what do you want to do? Maybe there’s an easier way to do it.


Hehe… will be a surprise :wink:

anyway blender crashes because of too high vertex count. Will decimate as soon as possible…


come on, it can be a secret 8)


I wanted to make a cyclic animation. And I wanted more copies to do that animation with a given delay.

With IPO I have good control:
1 - Cyclic extension is great
2 - To give delay, just translate.

With Armature:
1 - I had to add fake position before and after the single period to prevent things starting with 0 velocity.
2 - I had to duplicate actions, create NLA actions, make the cycle once for each action in the NLA window…

Will be used on CiRo project (see WIP forum) 8)
