Armature not working?

Hey guys

Here’s the .blend

Wondering why my mesh isn’t deforming. I’ve seen the thread about his that was recently solved; no help there.

Please help me out! Thanks :slight_smile:

Two things

First: You don’t have your mesh parented to the armature. (only the shield)
Second: You need to enable your armature bones with logic

When I tried it, nothing at all moved.
Then I looked at the Bricks: You have not set Start and End of the Framerange (1 to 14).
After that, it worked for the Shield, but the Character itself did not move, so I reparented the Character (Ctrl+P > Automatic Weights) and it moved as well.

Thank you so much guys, I will try it!

Edit: Awesome! It was all in the automatic weights! :smiley:

I’m having the same problem, but none of these methods are working can anyone take a look at my Blend file and tell me how to fix it?
ActionGuy.blend (637 KB)


  1. Unparent your Model. It will be misplaced then, replace it on the X-Axis again to fit the Armature.
  2. Parent it to the Armature by using Alt+P > Automatic Weights.
  3. Move the Armature Modifier of your parented Model above the Surface Subdivision Modifier (or apply that Modifier, better for Ingame Purposes).

Then it should work – for me it does.
Ô, and you can remove the Logic Brick from the Model, only the Armature needs them.

Thanks it worked, the tutorial I was watching was telling me to delete the armature modifier and just use the parent the armature as an armature instead of an object, it worked for him but perhaps in 2.59 is bugged in that way.

Thanks again, now I can get back into that tutorial