Armature problem

I have run into another problem with my character and since I’ve already got a thread going with my problems with my game why not ask another. Ok here’s the problem I’ve assign all my vertexs of my character to an armature. When I move the right leg some of it wants to stay in one spot. I know your thinking that those vertexs have not been assigned yet but I’ve checked and rechecked what armature there assigned to and it all checks out. So is there another reason this could be happening that I don’t know about if so please tell me. Thanks

are those verticies in any other groups?

no the verticles have their own seperate groups

then obviously their weight is set to zero. even if they belong to a group, with a weight of zero they won’t move (someone correct me if i’m wrong).

switch to weight-paint mode to check your weights.


Well the thing is they move when I use some other armatures, but the vertexs are assigned the way they need to be, because I’ve assigned them to the group they need to be in many times over.

what do you mean? sounds like you DO have vertices in different groups. did you check weight paint? this gives you a nice visual representation of current assignments

I think Solmax is on the right track. I tinkered around with one of my own meshes as I’d never seen the weight-paint button before (thanks Solmax :stuck_out_tongue: been using this for a year now and still finding new buttons is a treat)

What I did was take a vertex group and assign a vertex to it from a different group. So now that vertex was in 2 groups. What I came across that going back in and trying to remove that vertex from the group I added it to by re-assigning after deselecting it was that it would not remove. I had to delete the group and redo it to how it was originally. So maybe you have been assigning them thinking it was working when they were still assigned to that group… try selecting your groups and making sure they are properly assigned? You should be able to see them using the weight-paint button if they are wrong I think.

Just an idea…

ok I’ll check the the weight and I’ll try recreating a new group.

wow i should have checked that before. I clicked the weight paint and it told me exactly which group I had assigned it to thanks for your help, now I can get back to making my character.