Armature problem

Look I know it’s been asked before and I’ve checked the forums but nothing there works for me and the tutorial that i used didn’t seem to work. All i want to do is make my armatures work in the game engine…how can i do this?
thanks in advance

do you know logic bricks? if so…
sensor________ controller_____ acutators

use that on the armature.

i was using logic bricks…always…and…action…all the frames and that…it doesn’t seem to work thanks anyway:)
edit:wait should i have the logic bricks on the mesh or armature?

on the armature…

also use Action, and be sure to type in the action name…(exactly as you see it in the action editor)

gotta Run,
hope that helps

lol p00f it was originally on the armature…and it still won’t work:mad:…but thanks for the replies

upload an example file (you can make a copy of your file with different models if you don’t want them stolen).
Until I see what’s wrong, I can’t help you further than the basics- make an action, connect the logic bricks, enter the name of the action in the appropriate field, make sure your frame fields have the right values, set the priority if you have multiple actions, etc.

lol k one sec…and btw…i don’t think you’d want to steal my modles lol…they’re kinda…horrible…:smiley:

k here it is enjoy…:smiley:

Check out the Blenderart mag #2. It has a full step by step rigging tutorial.

ok dim i’ll look at it now…thanks again guys
edit:…that didn’t help me thanks anyways dim

What about parenting the mesh to the armature?
By the way if you use foot.l and foot.r it might be easier to swap poses later (e.g. workcycle)

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Yay monster! thank you so much! lol…kinda easy to fix…oh well it’s the small things that matter:D thank you guys so much!