Armature Problems

Armatures… man… well, here is my situation… I have a beizer cirlce… I have the curve path/follow on… and there is an empty parented to it, and an armature in the center that is constrained to the empty- and then a gear that is parented to this armature, how do I stop the gear or armature from flipping when it rotates 180 degrees? I realize this is natural in the bones, but how do I do something like, lock that axis or somewhat?

Use the Lock Track constraint in Tuhopuu. Or a IK solver constraint with an extra bone would do it, but more math heavy.


ACK!? sorry, I am just unaware in this territory… what is tuhopuu that I keep hearing about? If it is some other program, I’m looking for a way in blender, sorry (I should be more specific)… and how do I go about getting the constraint?

Tuhopuu is the evil experimentation tree. Basicly, it’s a different distro where coders can play with new features before they get integrated in the BF Blender’s cvs.

You can get Tuhopuu for windows here:

more info/reaction about Lock Track there:



Oo thank you for the help, found a little more stuff, a little more features, but, I solved my problem with the copy rotation… because my empty is running on a track…
Thanks again, as I can only do it with you peeplz’ inspiration, and motivation!
Blend on, blend ok

well, crap… just when I think the fun is over, I am in the same danged situation again, I wanted to just mess around a bit, but that is just bein difficult… I am curious how many peoplz use the locktrack in tuhopuu… well check the “boxbot.avi” on the page
or if the link will work this time…