Armature setup and animation with Vectors and Quaternions

Hi there,
I am doing some decompilation work for an old video game that has a proprietary file format.

the armature bones are described as such:

    name: bone_name,
    parent: parent_bone_name,
    to_parent: [
        rotation: Quaternion,
        translation: Vector3
    to_world_origin: [
        rotation: Quaternion,
        translation: Vector3
    to_local_armature: [
        rotation: Quaternion,
        translation: Vector3

animation file is described as follows:

    name: bone_name
    keyframe_timings: list[int]
    transformations: [
            rotation: Quaternion,
            translation: Vector3

There are a variety of issues that I have, I want to mention them in-case it matters somewhere…

  1. The original file format uses a Left Handed, Y-Up axis. For now, I don’t care that the skeleton and animation are incorrectly flipped / wrong axis.
  2. I am unsure whether the Quaternions are using a (W,X,Y,Z) scheme or (X, Y, Z, W) scheme.
  3. I am unsure whether the initial bone roll matters / taken into account.
  4. I am not too familiar with Blender, and whilst I think I have the correct settings for the bones (such as the local location, inherit rotation, etc), I am not certain these are correct.

When constructing the skeleton:

  • If the parent is blank, set the head to 0, 0, 0
  • Set the tail using the translation to origin
  • Set the bone roll by using: Quaternion().to_axis_angle()[1]
  • use_connect = True, as I guess the Vector and Quaternion seem to be referencing the tail.

This seems to work fine. I end up with a “person-shaped” armature.
Note: At this point, most of the bone settings dont have much if any impact.
All of the issues I mentioned have no impact yet

_Note2: There is a bone that has 0 length, Blender doesn’t like this, so I have added a fractional amount in the Y axis)

When adding keyframes:

  • I am creating a translation matrix with: Matrix.Translation(Vector())
  • I am creating a rotation matrix with: Quaternion().to_matrix().to_4x4()
  • full_matrix = translation @ matrix
  • then applying full_matrix to the pose bone using PoseBone.matrix()
  • Finally, I add the keyframe information with:
    • PoseBone.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=keyframe_number)
    • PoseBone.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_quaternion", frame=keyframe_number)

and this is where my problems start to arise…

Does my methodology seem sound?
I can post the information that comes with the skeleton and animation if someone wants to take a deep dive into this.


What problems specifically? Show us the animation you want and the animation you’re getting

So I am trying to get this…


Here is the skeleton.
Note1: the above GIF was created on an earlier model, this newer model has “cloak bones”.
Note2: You can see the axis and rotation has not been adjusted. So the model appears to be face-down and horizontal.
Note3: You may notice some bones between the legs. I assume these were hidden when the above GIF was made.

here is an example of what I have…

I am trying to play with toggling on and off different features.
This was with

  • use_local_location = True
  • use_inherit_rotation = False
  • Incorporating a “default” Bone roll
  • “Fixing” the quaternion that was read in as XYZW to put the “W” at the front

I need to post the other two images separately

Here is the skeleton

Here is my animation…


On the gif, the skeleton is standup, your is lay down.
Did you create the skeleton using skeleton vertices world position or playing with the skeleton quaternion hierarchy?