Armature track-to constraint not working

When I use the track-to constraint my armature rotates forward 90 degrees, or stretches to an extreme. What do I do?

Well, you might want to start by providing a bit more information. One brief sentence is barely enough to figure out what you are trying to do. Posting .blend files is most helpful, that allows someone to see what you are trying to do. I don’t know are you trying to use the track-to constraint on the armature as an object, or using it on one single bone? What direction is the axis of the bone or object pointing in, in relation to the world axis? Is the constraint setup to work in world space, local space, local space with parent or pose space? Where is the target object of the constraint in relation to the object/bone you are trying to use it on? What version of blender are you using? And I could continue on and on with questions…

Without providing some sort of information, how can anyone help?
