i am still looking for a simple step by step tut for armature rigging for
Blender 2.4… can any one point to a good one please ?
Try the one from the manual
Your First Animation in 30 + 30 Minutes Part I
Your First Animation in 30 + 30 Minutes Part II
These two chapters make you model a Gingerbread man, texture it, rigg it and animate it step by step.
Hope you will find that helpful.
Best Regards,
hi David
thnx a lot for the reply !!
i hv read the tuts u hv refered to…
but in Blender 2.41 armature is being used as a modifier… can u
explain how to use it ?
Best Regards
Hi Udayakumar
The modifiers can be found in the Editing panel (F9). Modifiers tab. From this tab, you can apply many modifiers to a mesh stacking them. You may for example miror your mesh of subsurface it, and… and an armature
You will find a complete explanation of the new rigging features here:
Envelopes.htm is particularly interesting for you as it explains the armature modifier
Best Regards,
thnx again for the immediate reply… studying docs suggested…
hv u used the same and if so cn u pl send be the blender doc ?
best regards
You’re welcome . The only doc I have is taken from the Tutorials in blender wiki site:
I also found the 2.3 book in a book store, but you can order it from Blender Foundation e-store:
The Blender Wiki Site is the update of this book for version 2.4x. I think they will release all the content in a physical book once they finish updating it
Best Regards,
thnx again fro the immediate reply !!
Best Regards