Hello, this is a WIP as I figure slowly figure how I want to texture and composite this piece, from the perspective, surfaces, lighting, rendering, and kind of stylization I want to go for.
For the purpose of your critiques/feedback, imagine that the character models are the final output, and I’m figuring out how I want the environment to look around them.
You have here a very busy scene. This means that the lighting and color choices should be carefully considered to bring the viewer’s attention to the right areas.
Right now, a lot of the more bright and detailed areas are in the background and the eye is drawn there. I would give the rear areas a slightly more subdued lighting and darker materials, keeping the more bright and vivid part of the image to the characters’ area. A similar effect could be achieved by using lighting of a slightly different color in the 2 zones.
Creating more or a separation between the foreground and background might help make the image more readable and less chaotic.
Nominally that would be excellent advice, but I’m going for the “prerendered” environment look you might see in the Final Fantasies or Legend of Dragoon. It’s not literally pre rendered, but the composition is reminiscent. When I make my Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre project I’ll keep that in mind!
Apologies, deleted the last post because I uploaded the wrong images.
So I took your advice into account; I adjusted the lighting intensity and placement to give more of an emphasis to the player scene. I also added another fella takin’ a nap.