Array and object rotation

I’m using an array modifier to create a line of trees, using an empty object to control the clones. When I rotate the empty it’s not only rotating the object, but the next location. What I want is to keep the line straight and only rotate the object around itself. Is there a way to do it? The red line shows where I want the clones to go.

2 arrays and 2 empties. First array use to rotated empty, and second array to use empty which is grabbed.

Actually since you can’t use random distances for the array (or can you…) I switched to hair particles using the tree as a particle. But it has the same problem, I don’t know how to rotate the tree randomly.

Select objects and Menu > Object > Transform > Randomize Transform: Rotation Z
Particle system has also rotation for instances.

If you used dupliframes you would have much more control in your case. You’d get control over the position, rotation and even size of any of your trees.

I tried that but all options (in rotate panel) rotate anywhere else than around the object. I want the trees to turn around randomly so they aren’t facing the same way. How hard it can be? There was also some kind of confusion with the original tree object, it had to be horizontal for the particle trees to be vertical.

EDIT: Solved it, by accident… the original tree object had to be in horizontal position (which is weird, you had to rotate it first for the particle trees to be upright). Then in rotate tab set ‘object z’ rotation, leave first random value zero (whatever it is) and use second random value with phase value to rotate trees. It’s so… clear. Of course, that’s how you do it!