array animation

Not the newest thing, but hey, it’s still a finisched project :wink:
This is an array modifier animation. Here’s the youtube link:

The direct link to the file is comming! (better quality)

here is the direct URL:

here is the re-rendered version (way better :wink: )

Thanks for watching

Aegis 3d.

lol nice, why don’t you put some nice materials on it and give it a whole scene, would make the movie very interesting to watch then, right now its just floating cubes

better lighting would be recomended, because now it’s often hard to see what’s happening (just a blue mass).

but they do some nice moves those cubes :slight_smile:

Loved the second half of it. The first half was too close together.

Re-render :slight_smile: !!

i thought i could do this way better, so i’ve completely re-renderd, and post-processed it.

C & C is welcome…