Hi all,
Can anyone think of a good way to assign separate materials to duplicate object from an array modifer?
I want to move some cubes around but I want to give each a label with a different letter…
Not sure if there is a good way to do this.
Hi all,
Can anyone think of a good way to assign separate materials to duplicate object from an array modifer?
I want to move some cubes around but I want to give each a label with a different letter…
Not sure if there is a good way to do this.
Is there anyway I can deform texture space so that it bends with the array?
I.e. I’ve use a color gradient here in the attached images.
You can see how I could potentially give each cube a unqiue color (which would be fine), but when I twist it up into a helix, it doesn’t stick.
I have pretty shallow texture mapping knowledge, there isn’t a magic trick I could use so that each array element get a unique color that sticks…is there?
Hi gmol,
Currently the texture coordinates depend only on the vertex positions after the array is applied, so your trick won’t work. It might be possible to make them depend on the duplicate number as well somehow. I’ll have a think about it.
Artificer (Array modifier coder)
Thanks artificer,
I’m sure you are sick of all the praise already, but I’m so grateful for the wonderful job you have done; very insipiring work.