I could not find some information for a problem I currently see with Blender 2.5 and objects which have an array modifier and textures. I created the following:
object A
object B with an array modifier, copying the object e. g. 5 times
assign a material with an texture to A and B (same for both) from an external image, e. g. wood structure
render the image
Now the size of the texture on object A is different than on object B. e. g. the wooden structure on object B seems to be smaller. When I apply the array modifier on B, thus create object B as a simple mesh, the texture size becomes equal to A. Is this intended or is it a bug?
This would be the default behaviour if you use ORTHO texture mapping, because the array of objects are really a single object. If you want them to stay with the same texture scale, then use the object texture mapping method, and specify which object to use. Also very useful if you have two dissimilar sized objects and you want the texture to match, like a chair and a table.
thank you for the explanations. The behavior is a little bit non-intuitive, but may be correct. With the object texture mapping mode the size looks now OK, but with that also the orientation of the texture mapping changed to that one of the selected object. When making e. g. a wooden chair the orienation of the texture is different for the legs (vertical) and the seat (horizontal). Is there a way to use the object mapping method, but keep the orientation of the individual part for the texture rendering?