I don’t have a lot of time since I’m working on a project that i need to deliver in a few days so here’s my problem:
I create a mesh that i want to arry along a curve. The curve was created by edge of other mesch that I duplicated, joined, remouved doubles and then converted in a curve from mesh.
No problem until I apply an array modifier with the fit curve option. It destroy the shape of the original mesh as you can see in this picture.
As you can see the base mash is completly distorted and it doesn’ really follow the path. I tryed different setting in the array modifier but still no sollution. I have the fell that this is the kind of problem that have a stupid solution that i can’t see or it doesn’t have it at all. Base mesh, curve and everything in the scene have the scale applied. No one have this problem or, maybe, someone found a sollution about it? I continue searching for it but for now I didn’t find a real way to fix it. Of course, if i find it, I will post it so anyone can find it.
Any help will be really appreciated.
Thx a lot to everyone
I see no link to a .blend file in you post ! Why have you failed to supply a demo file to review, one should be supplied for ALL support questions without us having to beg for one.
Sorry but I’m not sure if I can share or not the file since is not a personal project but a commisioned work by a costumer. If this is a a problem I’m sorry for that but I think you can understand my position at the moment.
if this was a personal project I can upload it without any esitation.
You need to use instances.
Remove the modifiers from your object, add a plane and add modifiers to that plane, select your object and make it child of plane then in the plane properties set duplication to faces
If this is a personal project I will upload it with no esitation at all but, since this is a commisioned project I’m not sure that my costumer want to share it. I think that all of you can understand my position in this situation. I think that the problem was clearly described and the image I’ve posted give a clear overview of it but, if the missing file, is a problem for the help i will delete the post and I apologize for the inconvenience. Just let me know if this is the case.
If this is a personal project I will upload it with no esitation at all but, since this is a commisioned project I’m not sure that my costumer want to share it. I think that all of you can understand my position in this situation. I think that the problem was clearly described and the image I’ve posted give a clear overview of it but, if the missing file, is a problem for the help i will delete the post and I apologize for the inconvenience. Just let me know if this is the case.