Array modifier - local axis?


I can make a spiral/helix shape with the array modifier quite easily. However, I’m wondering about an expanding helix (double actually) where the two ‘tubes’ remain the same size but gradually grow apart from each other. Problem I’m running into is that scaling changes tube size and that using an empty for an array modifier seems to work of global axis, so moving the cross section circle away from the helix’s center doesn’t work, because the array’s iterations always move in the same direction instead of rotating. Is there a way to make the empty refer to the local axis so that an empty offset for example in the X direction will spiral outwards from the center of the helix?

If I’m not being clear I apologize, I’ll upload pictures to make it easier.


Did you mean something like that ?


I apologize for not being as clear as I should have been.

Anyways, what I mean is if I have a spiral as shown in the attachment. I want the two ‘tubes’ that make up the spiral to continue spiraling upwards around each other, but I want them to gradually grow farther apart as they go farther up, rather than remaining at the same distance from each other.


Use “Object Offset” and Scale that object. Be sure to Ctrl-A all objects first though.


By the bye, an array can’t have a Local Axis the way you asked the question. The closest thing to it is the “Offset”, whichever one you use. Global is relative to the scene (Spatial), Local is relative to the Object, more correctly the Object Center. So the array is built in the Scene Space (Global) using the original objects Ob Center as reference for offsets.