Array series [animation]

Hi everyone,

Today I began to play with arrays and I thought I was working on an animation with array few times ago, and I made this today :
right clic on the image > save target as (1280x600 ~18Mo)

Why “#2” ? Because I made this before and I never finish it :smiley:

For this second experiment I worked more on the camera moving, I thought it’s really better than a static one :yes:

So, enjoy it !

bcnu blenderers :slight_smile:

PS: sorry for my bad english :o

Awesome rendering! Very simplistic yet nifty. :wink:

wow, that’s just cute! I love the realistic camera movement and the zoom blur. Nice one! :slight_smile:

I wanna check it out. I have a poopy comp, and when I save as, blah blah, it says windows can’t run the codec, or it’s the wrong kind… Could you vimeo it?

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

here is the vimeo link

@Sammaron: if you run it with VLC it works :wink: