Array Texture

I’m just trying to create procegural stitching model using Geometry Nodes. My pipleline is to use a VDM texture to create strings as shown in the picture:

Now my questions is : How we can control distance between each texture?

One way is to set your texture’s extension mode to Clip (rather than Repeat) and then manually wrap the texture coordinates so that they go from “0 to (1 + gap)” with something like the setup in the purple frame:

(You can ignore the additional nodes after the image texture node in the orange frame, since you’re already using a VDM texture. I only quickly made a height map so I needed those to get a displacement vector.)

Hope that helps!


This is brilliant! Thank You!
I’m trying to undrstand how your code works :slight_smile: What the Wrap does…, But just modified the code to have more paramaters:

And I’m curious how we can use normal coordinate for none-flat objects? I just replaced Position node with Normal node, But dosn’t seem working:

Its a bit tricky to do VDM displace in 3d, you need to align VDM vector to mesh normals and the uv tangent, here is example with using uv to distribute, position vector will work too.

VMD uv displ.blend (793.3 KB)