Arrival on Kamino (FanArt)

Here is another FanArt image it was finished in April, also at the TFN. I made this one after my Clone Wars image was selected as the TFN’s 2002 year in review wallpaper for September so I’m trying again :slight_smile: . Photoshop was used for rain effect (tried to use particles but they just looked bad) and adjustments for highlights and shadows.


You’ll be in the new gallery, no doubt.

I seem to remember you saying you had more pics we have not seen…

So either post them in the “Call for Elysiun gallery content” post in news and chat or Email them to me (that is if you want your pics in the gallery)

I just posted over at news and chat and Thanks.


The lighting is really great too!


Did you…umm…
…do you …have a wire?
That looks…cool :o

And the new Blender legend is born…

Yes…this one has power…

could you post a bigger version and maybe a wireframe?

WOW :o :o :o :o

!! G R E A T !!

The materials and the lightning are very EXCELLENT !!! The rain is great, I’m sure that this effect could be done in blender… perhaps @ce or @ndy the gods of particles… :slight_smile:

That’s very EXCELLENT !!!


Wow! Great rain effect! Make a Hi-res version (i need a new background :stuck_out_tongue: )

Simply a WOW

This is awesome!

blender-god alert!!!

awesome stuff!!!

glad to see another starwars person here!!

Sure here they are:

Arrival on Kamino 1024x768

Blender Screenshot

It goes without saying that this is a really nice picture. However, I would like to point out one small inconsistency. Using the direction of the rain as an indicator of wind velocity, I would suggest giving his cloak a more sideways dynamic. %|

wowee, that is fantastic.

keeps trying te MMB the wirefram to have a look around

ADL7 stop it your making everyone else look bad!

before you posted the wireframe i didnt belive it.

how long you been useing blender?
how long you been doing 3d?

i hope i can produce good stuff soon. I fear i might be left behind.

Yes. But moving the cloak any more just made it look wrong so I left it.


First off I never want to make anyone else look bad.
I have been using Blender for about 3 years and didn’t get the book until about a year ago. I have been doing 3D for 5 years now and love Modeling. I don’t have Maya, Rhino, Lightwave, or Truespace but I have tried the Demos (this was before I found Blender) but just didn’t like them and some of which cost about $3000, that was out of my budget for a hobby. But after a search at Google for 3D Galleries I found Blender and have been happy so far.

My Artwork is 5 years worth of making each and every Render better than the last one. When Modeling I add more & more details using polys and finding methods to use fewer verts as possible so I can add more important ones. Some of my projects take up to 3 to 4 months to finish making sure every detail is there. Before a Project I reseach Photos and Specs to find out what goes where, this can take a week or two.

I started using the Belkin Nostromo n50 speedpad and created a profile for download at Belkin site. It had made Modeling much easier and faster it should with 50 buttons under ones hand. Belkin Site :smiley:

Thats very cool! Great Job!

i looks just superb, i thought u did a print screen from the movie, it’s that good