Great job, Jolly Gnome! The bottom one is my favorite. For all you music fans (mostly US fans) it knida looks like the Weezer logo. That probably means nothing to most people, so don’t worry if you don’t see it.
Here’s my humble suggestion:
(copy and paste)
If I have time, I’d like to tweak the Blender logo a little, but nevertheless I like it the way it is.
Okay, I updated my version with an FBF logo, which was missing from it. So what do you think?
Dittohead, if you want me to upload it on my site so everyone can see, just email me and let me know, I’ll put it up for you.
Hey, what about using Blendo? I think he’s great! Where is imgrandpaboy? I hope he’s thinking about a logo, and hope he uses Blendo!
(er… it is imgrandpa’s isn’t it? lol)
Ingie: not, Blendo was made by Lyubomir K.
Ok! I’ve choosen two designs… the people involved know about it, everyone else will within a few days.
Let’s keep it a surprise.
Thanks for the contributions, it was of great help!
Oops, sorry Lyubomir