Our community has produced something like 5 or so short films, each of which have something in common. It’s not the CGI, and it’s not the community. What is it? They couldn’t occur in the real world. They’re all fantastic, such as Santa giving the man his wish. When it’s not a fantasy, it’s sci-fi. Mostly, it’s spacey, galaxy-exploration stories, though “Cyan Sun” is pretty much just too confusing to classify. :o
My point is simple: We’ve created our own cliches. That’s not good, because soon we might be churning out the same film style over and over. I personally would rather see the Blender community appeal to more than just the sci-fi junkies. Here are a few ideas of my own that would stop this current cliche in it’s tracks (and bear in mind that I’d like to do these first):
Guy Ritchie Style: Not only do we have some problems with finding original genres, we also seem to lean towards a good side of humanity. Let’s get out of that in the best way possible: Do a Guy Ritchie-style crime caper, complete with off-screen deaths and plenty of blood (and, should we do on-screen dialogue, plenty of cursing). If you’re worried about the kids, we can put up something that warns of the movie’s content. After all, the MPAA does exist for a reason or two.
War: War is even better, because the swearing and violence can go even higher. Hmm, that reminds me: We should probably implement some kind of self-rating system like the MPAA.
Dark Comedy: There’ve been too many romantic comedies and comedies that deal with office life, home life, and everything else in the mainstream as it is. Let’s see a comedy about a darker subject in our camp. Hell, murder, crime, death, and plenty of other “dark” subjects that you’d find in a drama can be implemented into a comedy. Look at “Fargo.” They did black comedy incredibly well in that film.
The Mundane: “Clerks” is an incredible “mundane” film, where the subject is that of something we see everyday: Clerks. We should do something like that. Be creative.
I’d prefer to do the first one myself. (Note: Knowing me, I probably won’t do it.) The others can be in your hands.